
August 19, 2011

Career Services Events at Mount Allison University

Hi everyone,

I'd like to share a little information about upcoming events related to career services and internship opportunities at Mount Allison via Student Life and the Ron Joyce Centre for Business Studies (RJCBS). As you may know, Scott Yorke was hired for a dual role as Career Counselor for Student Life and Student Internship Program director for the RJCBS last year.

In between other projects I contacted him about what career-related events are happening this year. It just so happens that there is a RJCBS Career Week from October 24th-28th. Some details have yet to be finalized but there will be some events meant to help all students prepare for life after Mount Allison.

These include:

Cover Letter/ Resume Writing Workshop - Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 (3 sessions held; morning, afternoon, evening)

Commerce Society Career Fair- date to be confirmed: Businesses and various organizations from the Atlantic Region will be invited to campus to speak on various employment and/or education opportunities

Dress for Success GalaThursday, October 27th, 2011: Students are invited to attend an entertaining evening of fashion with a Career oriented twist! From ‘sport casual’ to ‘black tie formal’, take a crash course in the world of formal attire and dress codes, gaining confidence when heading into a presentation, career fair or that ever so exciting (yet nerve racking) interview! 

In addition to the Career Week, there will be more events throughout the year including workshops, graduate school visits, and employer information sessions on campus. So be sure to check the Upcoming Events page on the Mount Allison website to keep informed about events you may be interested in (or be told by your helicopter parents to attend).