Before I begin writing about what it is like being back at Mount Allison I have a few last pictures to share of Boston in Winter:

That's right...that's Winter in Boston. Well...right after all the snow melted...and right before another big snow.
Traveling fifteen hours from Boston to
Sackville wasn't the most enjoyable journey I've been on...but it was exciting at parts.... like getting pulled inside by Homeland Security while trying to leave the US (at the Calais/St. Stephen border), which, as
I said before, is
completly legal. I applied for my US passport while in Boston, so when I said that I was a dual Canadian-American traveling to Canada on a Canadian passport they decided that I needed to come inside. After looking things up I was allowed to leave the no big problem...but it's not a great feeling to be told "you need to come with me" by someone with a gun.
I got back to Mount Allison late Sunday night, and I've only had a bit of time to hang out with all of my friends (exchanging a few great little gifts...and then of course being forced to watch a chick-flick...don't ask which one) before I had to go and sell my old books and buy new ones. I've had all my classes once so far, and I have them each once more before the weekend. They all seem pretty good so far...things that I'm at least moderately interested in:Human Geography, Canadian History, French, Macroeconomics, and American Government.
As far as last semester I earned all A's and B's, which I am happy pretty happy with. Adjusting to University involves getting past some of the distractions from studying, writing, and going to class. Just getting settled and finding your way around, not to mention figuring out how to use your time outside of class can have an impact on grades, and for a lot of people that means doing worse than you're used to doing in high school. So, when you get hard and stay focused, but keep in mind that you're learning a lot outside of class, and you're adjusting to a lot of change.
I know that I'm very excited about the next semester, I've got an idea of what I need to do to earn the grades I want in my classes, how to study better, and how to really enjoy my free time. This semester there will be more time to get started on my assignments earlier, sleep enough, and enjoy my free time instead of rushing at the last minute.
This week is the first house party "Cancun Campbell"...I'm not really the partying type...but I might stop... by seeing as how I live there. Then Sunday is the start of season 7 of 24... I'm guessing Jack Bower will be in trouble for torturing people, have to save the world, torture some more people...and then somehow escape..and then do it again and again for a few more seasons. The 20
th is
Bararck Obama's Inauguration, and by the end of the month I'll be 19.