
July 1, 2010

Français Langue Seconde- Intermédiaire 2 à l'Université Sainte-Anne

At Université Sainte-Anne, there are eight levels of French immersion for the spring and summer immersion sessions. After the entrance exam everybody is placed in one of eight levels: Débutant I, Débutant II, Intermédiaire I, Intermédiaire II, Intermédiaire III, Avancé I, Avancé II, and Perfectionnement I. I was placed in Intermédiaire 2 (cote du cours: FRLS 1816).

In that class, the main focus was on all of the all of the details of conjugating passe compose and imparfait and when to use each. We perfected the usage of pronouns including stressed pronouns. We also were practiced the plus-que-parfait. The class focused on depth of knowledge as opposed to skimming over a large breadth of knowledge. Here's the official list from the plan de cours:

Objectifs spécifiquies

À la fin du cours, l'etudiant sera capable de:
-exprimer des faits passés a l'oral et à l'écrit en employant le passé composé et l'imparfait
-employer le plus-que-parfair pour exprimer des actions antérieures dans le passé
-employer les promnoms compléments correctement dans la communication orale et écrite
-exprimer son opinion
-lire et comprendre des textes simples<
-organiser et presenter un eposé oral
-employer des expressions idiomatiques appropriées
-employer un vocabulaire varié

June 30, 2010

French Immersion at Université Sainte-Anne- Français langue seconde à l'Université Sainte-Anne

Below is a little bit of background information about the University for those unfamiliar with Sainte-Anne. From the Université Sainte-Anne Facebook page.

Université Sainte-Anne has a regular, year-round French immersion program, the only such program east of Québec. My next posting will about french immersion classes at the school, specifically niveau 3/Français langue seconde- intermédiaire 2.

Reconnue pour la qualité de son enseignement et de ses diplômés, l'Université Sainte-Anne est l'institution de premier choix pour les Acadiens, les autres francophones et les anglophones désirant faire des études post-secondaires en français, ainsi que pour ceux qui désirent poursuivre leur apprentissage de la langue française.. Mission L'Université Sainte-Anne mise sur une approche personnalisée pour offrir un enseignement de qualité en français à ses étudiants acadiens, francophones et anglophones. Elle offre à ses étudiants un environnement qui facilite leur épanouissement personnel et professionnel, et les prépare aussi bien à des études supérieures qu'au marché du travail. Le français à l'Université Sainte-Anne. L'Université Sainte-Anne offre aux Acadiens et aux étudiants de toute origine l'occasion de poursuivre leurs études post-secondaires dans un contexte qui favorise chez eux le perfectionnement de la langue française.

À l'Université Sainte-Anne, les cours, à l'exception des cours d'anglais et de certains cours offerts à l'éducation permanente, sont offerts en français et les manuels sont, le plus souvent possible, en français. La langue officielle de travail est le français pour les administrateurs, les professeurs, les étudiants et les membres du personnel de soutien.

Tous les étudiants de l'Université Sainte-Anne doivent tenir compte du fait que la langue d'usage est le français sur les campus et que seul un engagement personnel à respecter cette politique garantit et protège le caractère francophone de l'institution

June 29, 2010

June 28, 2010

Immersion française à l'Université Sainte-Anne à Pointe-de-l'Église- Musique Française

(A continuation of earlier posts about French Immersion at Université Sainte-Anne.)
Over the five weeks of no English music I had to listen find some good music to which to listen. Here were my top six artists over the five-week program:

Coeur de Pirate - Comme des enfants

Amylie- Mes oreilles

Stromae - Alors on danse

Yelle- Je veux te voir

Radio Radio- Jacuzzi

and there's no youtube videos...but I must include the music of Luc Tardiff who is also a great manager of all the facilitators at Sainte-Anne who played a great concert for us during the program.


June 27, 2010

Photos of Université Sainte-Anne and Environs

Here's some for now...more info and photos to come...

Post office

Off-campus attractions...

French school playground. "Use at your own risk after class hours"

Chez l'ami...nice little ice cream shop...not much else in town.

Different themed trail sections.

And a few from a friend:

French Immersion at Université Sainte-Anne

(Université Sainte-Anne as photographed from Église Sainte-Marie, the largest wooden church in North America)

I just completed an intensive five-week French immersion program at Université Sainte-Anne at their main campus in Pointe-de-l'Église, Nova Scotia. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The administrative staff, facilitators, and professors were among the most helpful and supportive I've ever met. The class, Français langue seconde - Intermédiaire 2, was without a doubt the best french class I've ever taken. Sometimes unclear and complicated grammar rules were explained with ease and I was able to understand concepts better in than I had even in French classes taught in English. The French-only rule was pretty strictly enforced which helped ensure a full-immersion experience. I met a lot of pretty great people from across Canada and the United States some of whom I hope to keep in touch with from years to come.

I was able to attend the 5 Week French Immersion program thanks to a bursary from The Council of Ministers of Education. The Council, along with the provinces award bursaries to Canadians in order to study French or English (for francophones) throughout the country. The only requirements are that you must

be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (those studying in Canada on student visas are not eligible);
have completed at least grade 11 (secondary 5 in Quebec) or be at the postsecondary level by the time your Explore course begins; and
have been a full-time student for at least one term during the current school year.

More information is available at the Explore website. If you do not receive a bursary you can pay the regular fees to attend. There were quite a few Americans at Sainte-Anne who either paid or received bursaries from other sources.

I will be writing again soon with descriptions of the class, and out of class experience (with pictures), hardships, and maybe even a little French (with translation). For now, for your convenience below is the information direct from Université Sainte Anne. I recommend immersion in general and Sainte-Anne specifically to anyone who is looking to really learn a language. There is no better way to really habituate yourself to a language then being forced to use it 24/7 and Sainte-Anne offered a great environment for full-immersion and offered interesting socio-cultural activities every week.

Immersion School: 5-week spring and summer sessions

2010 Spring session: May 16 to June 19
2010 Summer session: July 4 to August 7


University students and adults who wish to perfect their French can benefit from our 5-week French immersion session in the spring. The schedule is very similar to the summer session. Students from across Canada, the United States and overseas, come to study and have fun during our summer session.
A well trained professional staff of teachers and counsellors ensure that your stay is a pleasant one. Activities range from theme nights, excursions and whale-watching expeditions, to canoeing and golf—all in French of course. Students attend 6 credit-hour courses in the morning, have a workshop in the afternoon, and activities are planned for the remainder of the day and the weekend.
There is no time for boredom, and fun is guaranteed to be had by all who participate. Students must be at least 15 years of age to enrol in this program. Many adults participate in this program and are housed in separate residences.

What will my day look like

Mornings are devoted to two formal classes.
A mandatory workshop is held in the afternoon (workshop choices include outdoors activities, choir, dance, video, art, etc.). After the workshops, sports activities are organised for the residences.
There is a different social activity organised each night, ranging from musical groups performing on campus for our students to casino night, from the “Café théâtre" to our own special version of popular game shows.
During the weekends, various trips to the beach, whale watching, canoeing and trekking are organised.

French only rule

At the official opening of the session, you are asked to sign a pledge agreeing to speak French at all times during the program. As soon as the pledge is signed, the use of French is mandatory at all times. If a student is caught speaking English they will receive a warning. The third warning results in expulsion from the program.


All students live in residence on campus and take their meals at the University cafeteria. A room will automatically be reserved for you in residence. If you wish to arrive a day earlier than specified, you must let us know so we can ensure that your room will be ready.
Note: Students are placed in residence according to their age.

Placement tests

The program curriculum provides instruction at 8 levels of linguistic competence.
The appropriate level is determined by an oral and written test given on the first Monday of each session.
The 8 levels of linguistic competence:
Beginner 1
Beginner 2
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
Intermediate 3
Advanced 1
Advanced 2
Very Advanced


Students may transfer credits for courses successfully completed to other universities or high schools.
These credit transfers, however, depend on the individual institution and the choice of programs.


Students who successfully complete the 5-week spring or summer sessions will receive a certificate indicating their completed level of competency in French in addition to their transcript of marks.


Click here


The bursary is available to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who are in grade 11 or 12 or who are enrolled as full-time post-secondary students in the 2008-2009 academic year.
• The Explore Program offer bursaries to students wishing to improve their knowledge of French. It covers all tuition fees, room, meals and socio-cultural activities for the duration of the 5-week programs (travel expenses and the $150 enrolment fee are not covered by the bursary).
• Application forms are available at
• Applications must be postmarked no later than February 28, 2009, and mailed directly to the provincial coordinator of the province in which you are applying for a bursary.

How do I apply to the program itself

1. Complete the registration form (please indicate which program you are applying for) and mail it directly to Université Sainte-Anne.
2. Send the $150 enrolment fee ($150 US funds for foreign students) with your registration. Reception of the deposit will automatically reserve a place for you in the program.
3.We accept VISA or Mastercard; cheques or money orders should be made payable to Université Sainte-Anne.
4. Full refund will be made if you withdraw four weeks before either session.
5. Students leaving while the session is in progress lose the $150 enrolment fee and will be charged an extra seven days from the date of departure.