Along with what seems like every Canadian I know, I grew up listening to the Barenaked Ladies (and was lucky enough to see them live in Chicago, which was amazing). They were one of the only bands I listened to until I was around ten years old, so I was pretty surprised when I heard that lead signer Steven Page had been arrested for possession of cocaine. The thought had never crossed my mind that he would ever use hard drugs. I know that growing up I looked up to him and when I heard the news I felt badly for his very young fans (especially in light of BNL's new children's CD) discovering rather abruptly that everybody is flawed. I followed the story for a while, and was relieved to find out that he was given conditional release:
I hope that he'll do what he needs to in order to avoid jail time and more public scrutiny. Although there are many more that didn't get a second chance when caught, I'm glad he did because he can be an example for others.
I'm feeling a bit I'm going to end with two versions of an old song of theirs...I think you'll notice quite a difference.
November 8, 2008
November 7, 2008
Shameless Advertising
So the S.A.C. (Student Administrative Council) External Relations Committee (of which I am a part) at Mount A is organizing an event in support of The New Brunswick Student Alliance's effort to replace the tuiton freeze with a cap on student debt. See the details and the corny flyer below.

Mount Allison
November 5, 2008
The Transition
I didn't imagine I'd ever be able to say this...but today, following Barack Obama's historic victory, George W. Bush gave a speech I enjoyed hearing. Although I question whether there will be "complete cooperation" during the next few months but I am optimistic that the next two months will be a step forward from the last 8 years. I'm very excited to find out the first decisions he will make in terms of appointments, and have my sights set on January 20th.
A New Hope
Barack Obama was just elected the next President of the United States. Here in Canada, for the past few months, there has been a lot of discussion about US politics, the election and how Barack Obama needs to win. It was pretty interesting to see more people huddled around a television watching American election results than I had talked to about Canadian politics since I moved here. But I was not surprised. This election is truly a turning point in American history...and will undoubtedly have more of an impact on Canadians than the relatively minor changes brought on by the most recent Canadian election.
I'm exhausted and behind in my work, but, more importantly, for the first time in years, I am optimistic about the future of the United States and its role in the world.
November 2, 2008
On Being Canadian-American.
To begin this post I should tell you a little bit more about myself. I was born in Quebec in 1990 and my family moved to the US when I was a child. I lived there until I came to Mount Allison except for a year living in British Columbia. I lived in the US as a permanent resident, officially a "Resident Alien" in the country I had spent most of my life in until 2001 when the immigration law changed and I automatically became an American citizen. Growing up in the US I remember being told by my parents that this is my country now, but that was combined with the reality that we drove 'home' to visit family. I've crossed the border between the US and Canada more times than I can remember. When I turned 18 and was legally able to choose one citizenship over the other I chose not to.
While I've spent most of my life in the US, I don't have a one-sided American nationalism. In school I was told that I didn't have a say the pledge of allegiance (but did out of respect), and I felt disappointed when I heard Barack Obama say "in no other country on earth, is my story even possible". During the past five or six years, seeing the negative impact of the Bush administration's policies, I along with most Americans people became disaffected by the ruling party. I think that there is a distinction that needs to be made (especially with Bush holding the record for highest disapproval rating since the polls began) between the actions of the Bush administration and the views of most Americans.
From going to high school on both sides of the border, I've heard a lot of stereotypes and jokes about Canadians and Americans alike. From years of observation I've found that J. Bartlet Brebner put the basic difference between American and Canadians best when he said "Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States." During my twelve years living in the US I've never heard of any serious qualms about Canada, but since I've moved back to Canada it seems like I haven't gone a week without a sarcastic remark about the negative influence of the US or someone making a mockery of the presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle
When it comes to popular Canadian opinion towards the US, one place to look at would be the TV show "This Hour has 22 Minutes": essentially the Canadian equivalent of The Daily Show.
This Hour has 22 Minutes -Apology to Americans
Besides the actual arguments between the US and Canada, there is the problem of some Canadians taking the radical right wing pundits as the voice of Americans in general. Canadians, myself included, see the words of some right wing pundits and are rightly offended. For example, in late 2004 as President Bush visited with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin to fix "strained relations" between the two countries. Tucker Carlson said:
Ann Coulter added:
Also, 91% of Americans surveyed by Macleans believe that their quality of life would improve if they moved there. And thirdly, a majority of Americans surveyed said that Canada has become a global leader in human rights and peace.
Macleans Article Special Canada Day Report: How Canada stole the American Dream.
I consider myself proud to be a Canadian and am glad to be back home. Also, while it is sometimes hard to explain, I also consider myself fortunate to be an American, despite the republican party, and even if it means I'm at the wrong end of more than a few jokes.
While I've spent most of my life in the US, I don't have a one-sided American nationalism. In school I was told that I didn't have a say the pledge of allegiance (but did out of respect), and I felt disappointed when I heard Barack Obama say "in no other country on earth, is my story even possible". During the past five or six years, seeing the negative impact of the Bush administration's policies, I along with most Americans people became disaffected by the ruling party. I think that there is a distinction that needs to be made (especially with Bush holding the record for highest disapproval rating since the polls began) between the actions of the Bush administration and the views of most Americans.
From going to high school on both sides of the border, I've heard a lot of stereotypes and jokes about Canadians and Americans alike. From years of observation I've found that J. Bartlet Brebner put the basic difference between American and Canadians best when he said "Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States." During my twelve years living in the US I've never heard of any serious qualms about Canada, but since I've moved back to Canada it seems like I haven't gone a week without a sarcastic remark about the negative influence of the US or someone making a mockery of the presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle
When it comes to popular Canadian opinion towards the US, one place to look at would be the TV show "This Hour has 22 Minutes": essentially the Canadian equivalent of The Daily Show.
This Hour has 22 Minutes -Apology to Americans
Besides the actual arguments between the US and Canada, there is the problem of some Canadians taking the radical right wing pundits as the voice of Americans in general. Canadians, myself included, see the words of some right wing pundits and are rightly offended. For example, in late 2004 as President Bush visited with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin to fix "strained relations" between the two countries. Tucker Carlson said:
I'm surprised there was anybody left in Canada to attend the protests. I noticed that most sort of vigorous, ambitious Canadians, at least almost all comedians in Canada, come to the United States in the end. Doesn't that tell you something about the sort of limpid, flaccid nature of Canadian society, that people with ambition come here? What does that tell you about Canada?"
Canada's essentially -- essentially a made-in-Taiwan version of the United States.
I think if Canada were responsible for its own security -- you would be invaded by Norway if it weren't for the United States.
Canada needs the United States. The United States does not need Canada.
Ann Coulter added:
But, despite what the boisterous rants from right wing pundits would have you believe, Americans like Canada, in fact 92% of Americans have a positive opinion of it.
Conservatives, as a general matter, take the position that you should not punish your friends and reward your enemies. And Canada has become trouble recently.
It's -- I suppose it's always, I might add, the worst Americans who end up going there. The Tories after the Revolutionary War, the Vietnam draft dodgers after Vietnam. And now after this election, you have the blue-state people moving up there.
There is also something called, when you're allowed to exist on the same continent of the United States of America, protecting you with a nuclear shield around you, you're polite and you support us when we've been attacked on our own soil. They [Canada] violated that protocol.
They better hope the United States doesn't roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.
Also, 91% of Americans surveyed by Macleans believe that their quality of life would improve if they moved there. And thirdly, a majority of Americans surveyed said that Canada has become a global leader in human rights and peace.
Macleans Article Special Canada Day Report: How Canada stole the American Dream.
I consider myself proud to be a Canadian and am glad to be back home. Also, while it is sometimes hard to explain, I also consider myself fortunate to be an American, despite the republican party, and even if it means I'm at the wrong end of more than a few jokes.
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