
November 5, 2008

A New Hope

Barack Obama was just elected the next President of the United States. Here in Canada, for the past few months, there has been a lot of discussion about US politics, the election and how Barack Obama needs to win. It was pretty interesting to see more people huddled around a television watching American election results than I had talked to about Canadian politics since I moved here. But I was not surprised. This election is truly a turning point in American history...and will undoubtedly have more of an impact on Canadians than the relatively minor changes brought on by the most recent Canadian election.

I'm exhausted and behind in my work, but, more importantly, for the first time in years, I am optimistic about the future of the United States and its role in the world.


  1. The U.S. government has tremendous influence over the entire world. This election may well change the world, actually, tremendously, and not just the U.S. and a few neighbour countries. The Canadian election? Ugh. We can overturn parliament at any time we lose confidence, and maybe our specific concerns are less prominent than those that are tied to U.S. policies and actions. Maybe we have fewer local issues to worry about, qualitatively or quantitatively at this point in history. Anticipation for this U.S. election has been building up for eight years. I can tell you that, I was at the student pub, and people were cheering and screaming and swinging their shirts around their naked torsos when the big news appeared on-screen. It's huge: first black president, a democrat at that, a great man it seems, and holograms were used for the first time on television!!!

  2. Well said. It's true, I found this election more significant than my own. However, this is not because I love the US more than Canada, not at all, but because there was so much more at stake with this election. Also, this was a much more historic kind of event. Sure, Harper is an idiot to many, but he is no Bush figure.
    In brief, well done, sincere congratulations, and good on ya, Americans.

  3. The line-ups here in Boston were long but in my whole life, I never enjoyed waiting more. It feels like an honour to be part of the new day that has arrived.
