Located on the "South Side" of campus, Bennett House is a smaller residence where you'll quickly feel like one big family. It's close to popular amenities like the fitness centre, the bookstore, the pub, the pool and the library. "Bennettonians" are notorious for cultivating an atmosphere of fun, friendship and open doors. Bennett had the Don of the Year for 2009/10.
Residence Type: Co-ed (Wing-wing and Door-door)
Residents: 108
Furniture: Predominantly fixed furniture, select rooms have moveable furniture
Laundry Facilities: Coin operated ($1 wash, $1 dry) located in basement
Lounge Facilities: Located in basement
Cooking Facilities: Kitchenette
Quiet Floors/Areas: One section of rooms
Location: Campus Map #10 (outdated, actually #15)
Amazing to see that my old home (84-88) still stands. Especially since when it was my father's home (the 60s), it was designated as temporary residence and scheduled to be torn down.